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n2n is committed to supporting a culture that:

·       fosters and embraces diversity and inclusion;

·       offers equal opportunities to all employees; and

·       is free from discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), bullying and victimisation.


Diversity and Inclusion

n2n promotes an environment where everyone:

·       is treated fairly and respectfully;

·       feels valued and safe to speak up; and

·       is inspired to do their best work.

Through creating an inclusive workplace, we acknowledge and embrace difference in all of its forms. These differences can include gender, age, ethnicity, religious or cultural background, disability, marital or family status, sexual orientation and gender identity.


Modern Slavery

At n2n, we are committed to ensuring to the best of our ability, that there is no modern slavery in any part of our business operations. We will act ethically and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships, and where possible, ensure modern slavery is not taking place in our own business or supply chain.

Our business also expects our service providers, suppliers and contractors to share our commitment to act lawfully and ethically and to work to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place within its organisation or within its supply chain.


The term ‘modern slavery’ describes situations where coercion, threats or deception are used to exploit victims and undermine their freedom. Coercion, threats and deception can be explicit or implicit.

The Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) ‘Act’ defines modern slavery as including eight types of serious exploitation; trafficking in persons, slavery, servitude, forced labour, forced marriage, debt bondage, the worst forms of child labour and deceptive recruiting for labour or services.

The worst forms of child labour means extreme forms of child labour that involve the serious exploitation of children, including through enslavement or exposure to dangerous work. The worst forms of child labour does not mean all child work.

Under Australian law, modern slavery is defined in the Act. In the event of any inconsistency, the definitions in the Act take precedence over this policy.


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